*how to find us*
Address: 11332 Southwest Highway
Town: Palos Hills
Zip: 60465
Just north of Football field.
Kitty corner of Palos Heights Metra station.
1/2 mile south of 111th street.
3/4 mile north of route 83.
Shop number: (708)974-4211
Fax number: (708) 974-4458
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.highlineautomotiverepair.com
Town: Palos Hills
Zip: 60465
Just north of Football field.
Kitty corner of Palos Heights Metra station.
1/2 mile south of 111th street.
3/4 mile north of route 83.
- West side of street, off Southwest Highway.
Shop number: (708)974-4211
Fax number: (708) 974-4458
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.highlineautomotiverepair.com